2015 // The Year of Me.

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As I'm currently writing this, sitting on my bed with my boyfriend watching Naruto beside me I was going to name this post "New Years Resolution and a look back on 2014" but something led me to change my mind.

I came across Zoe's post Paradise Is You and I'm sure there are many things you can take away from it, it's a brilliantly written and thought out post but what I took away from it was a feeling of, why am I writing the cliche "2015 - here's my resolutions post"? Why would I want to write a post that I've seen 10 times from other bloggers on my Bloglovin' feed. Do I want to fade into the sameness of that sort of post. I mean, it's a given that a lot of people will be writing those posts, its the end of the year and we all want to write down our resolutions and set ourselves some goals and maybe inspire others to set some goals aswell. But I just don't want to be writing a post for the sake of writing it and putting something out. I don't want that feeling of "everyone else is doing it, so I will."

Instead, yes I will write out my resolution but this post wont be looking back at last year, last year is gone and I'm all about moving forward now and jumping into whatever 2015 can throw at me. I will say yes to more things and move out of my comfort zone, the zone I've been comfortably living in and refusing to move from for 21 years now. This year is the year.

  1. Work harder - In all aspects of my life, work, blog, career aspects etc. 
  2. Say Yes to more things - I'm quite the introvert, I don't like being forced to do things I'm not comfortable with and I also don't really like to do things that are different or that stray from my normal routine. This year I'm going to say Yes to more of those things.
  3. Also learn to say No. - I'm too polite and I'm too nice, I can never tell someone if they've upset me and I can't say no to people e.g if my manager asks me to do a 12 hour shift (I work in retail i'm supposed to only do 4 x 4 hour shifts) I just can't say no and I end up doing 35 hrs a week instead of my contracted 16. So this year, where I feel it necessary, I wont just say no because I can, I will try to say no to more things and to let people know when they've upset me.
  4. Keep a little money aside/save more - I'm very bad at saving, I have little to zero self control. This year I'll try to save up for items I want and put money aside for a rainy day or just in case someone spring a "Do you want to go on holiday" request on me, then i'll have the money for it!
That's basically everything I want to work on with myself for 2015 and I'm more than positive that I can, this year is looking to be a good one and I'm definitely motivated to make it happen.

What will you do with your year? What are your main goals and resolutions? Do you feel the same way as me? Let me know your thoughts below!

Love Alicia x

Why not also keep up with me and my blog on social media? Alicia Jade is also active on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Bloglovin'
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